TM Forum OPen Hack Lisbon

Diary of an Action Weeker: Final Thoughts

Friday, February 10th was Day 5 of TM Forum Action Week and many folks departed early, while the remaining attendees participated in workshops and wrap-up sessions which kicked off at 9 am.

I had hoped to spend an hour or two in the morning exploring the area around the Cascais but unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating.

So instead, I spent the morning catching up on numerous emails and reflecting on the week.  My key takeaways were;

Blockchain – Deciphering the Hype

  • This technology has the potential to have a disruptive impact on the entire industry but there is also a huge amount of hype so people will really need to perform their own analysis to determine the impact it may have in their specific areas.

TM Forum research and discussion Read more

Importance of APIs

  • API’s continue to be a key cornerstone for many transformation projects. The inclusion of these in the CurateFx platform is very important as it will provide both catalyst team projects and member projects with convenient direct access to all of the relevant specification and code for the Open APIs.

Free eBook on APIs:  Open APIs Turning Business Strategy Into Reality  Download Now

Huge Hackathon

  • The Hackathon held during Action Week was a great success with some amazing Apps developed by the teams in just over 24 hours. I expect that the Hack at TM Forum Live! will build on this to be the largest Hack event to-date.

TM Forum Live! 2017 {Open}: Hack Learn More

Show me the Money!

  • Monetization was also a key topic during the week, and significant progress was made during the IoT Monetization workshop to develop a Model Palette (template) that can be used by members. This will now be finalized by team members with the goal of releasing it with Frameworx 17.0.

Read TM Forum’s free report “Monetizing digital services: Where’s the profit?” Download Now 

Catalysts Using CurateFx

  • The TM Forum’s version of our  Transformation Accelerator platform called CurateFX certainly generated quite a significant amount of discussion and interest from the Catalyst Teams.  Access has been provided to over 120 members across 13 Catalyst projects from 60+ different companies.  We expect this number to triple as we provide access to the remaining 24 catalyst projects.  We received very positive feedback which will be incorporated into our product roadmap with a view to releasing new modules over the next couple of months.

Want to become a beta user? Or Learn more?  Visit

Overall I think that the TM Forum should be very happy about this Action Week which was the largest attended to-date and very productive.  The teams will now need to continue this work over the next few months to prepare for TM Forum Live!

The next Action Week is planned for Vancouver in September which I am already looking forward to attending.

Authored by Kevin McCaffrey, Tr3Dent